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Department of Architecture


The Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship is a highly prestigious, fiercely competitive, post-doctoral award for researchers who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, but who have a proven record of research. The expectation is that Fellows should undertake a significant piece of publishable work during their tenure, and that the Fellowships should lead to a more permanent academic position.

Fellowships are tenable for three years on a full-time basis. The Leverhulme Trust provides full funding for the Fellowship's first year salary costs (for those commencing their Fellowship in 2022-23) and half of the salary costs for the following two years, up to a maximum of £25,000 in each year (plus a contribution to research expenses). In Cambridge, an internal competition provides matching funding from the Isaac Newton Trust.

If you hope to hold the award in the Faculty of Architecture & History of Art, applicants should contact the relevant Head of Department (History of Art; Architecture), and an academic who works in their area of research (and who could act as their mentor and who would follow their work if they were awarded a Fellowship) to discuss their proposed project as soon as possible. It is imperative that applicants discus plans with the intended host and check that the host Department will be willing in principle to accept them if they are successful in the national competition.

Applications are made over two stages. As the Leverhulme Trust provides only part of the salary costs for these Fellowships, application must be made initially to the Isaac Newton Trust for match-funding. The Isaac Newton Trust runs an Internal Competition, in 2 stages, to decide which candidates can be offered matching funding.

First, applications are reviewed and scrutinized by the Faculty selection panel. Second, up to two shortlisted applications will then be forwarded from the Faculty to the Isaac Newton Trust for review, in early-January.

Full details of the LECF scheme, including the eligibility criteria, can be found at Details of the Isaac Newton Trust's matched-funding stages, and the eligibility criteria and other Terms and Conditions, can be found at - , with specific application guidance at

Instructions for applicants:
The following application materials sent should be sent to the Faculty Manager (Mr A. Bennett), by email to . The deadline for receipt is Friday, 10 December 2021, 12 noon.

1. Applications for the internal competition comprise the following documentation, which must be submitted complete and on time:

  • A fully-completed cover sheet, available from the Isaac Newton Trust website
  • A CV (not exceeding two sides of A4), and
  • A draft of the three items required for the Leverhulme application:-
  • a list of major publications (not exceeding one side of A4);
  • a statement of current research (maximum 250 words); and
  • a detailed statement of proposed research in the Faculty (two sides of A4)

2. References
Two letters of reference are needed – one of which should be external to Cambridge. Please ask your two referees to send their references directly to the Faculty, for the attention of the Faculty Manager (Mr A. Bennett), by email to , by the same closing date – Friday, 10 December 2021, 12 noon.
(NB. If you are selected by the INT to be submitted to the Leverhulme competition, three references will be required at that stage, with a maximum of one from Cambridge.)

Departments will send supported applications to the Isaac Newton Trust by 10 January 2022. The Isaac Newton Trust will inform successful candidates and Departments in good time for finalisation of submissions before the Leverhulme Trust’s national deadline of 24 February 2022. Final decisions from the Leverhulme Trust regarding successful applicants are expected at the end of May 2022.