Aaliyah Owen-McVey |
Community Mapper - Public Map Platform project |
ao583@cam.ac.uk |
Adele Burnett |
Community Mapper - Public Map Platform project |
aab200@cam.ac.uk |
Aeronwy Williams |
Research Project Coordinator (Public Map Platform) |
agw60@cam.ac.uk |
Alan Baldwin |
Chief Custodian |
07917 535716 |
ab430@cam.ac.uk |
Alex Butterworth |
Design Fellow Year 2, Studio 2 |
ab838@cam.ac.uk |
Alexandra Lumley |
MSt Building History - Course Administrator |
01223 332964 |
ael45@cam.ac.uk |
Alida Bata MEng AADipl ARB RIBA OA FHEA |
Design Fellow, Year 3 |
ab3107@cam.ac.uk |
Amabel Richardson |
Digital Fabrication Technician |
01223 332962 |
air29@cam.ac.uk |
Anastasia Glover |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 3 |
asg70@cam.ac.uk |
Andrew McDowall |
Teaching Associate in Fabrication and Design |
am3136@cam.ac.uk |
Anna Pamphilon Dip.Arch. ARB RIBA MSc |
MDes Advisory Group |
Chris Wise FREng FICE FIStructE HonFRIBA RDI |
Visiting Professor |
Clive Tubb |
Chief Workshop Technician |
01223 332956 |
cct38@cam.ac.uk |
Conrad Koslowsky |
Design Fellow MPhil (MAUD) and MArch |
cdk27@cam.ac.uk |
Darius Woo |
Design Fellow |
darius@kasawoo.com |
David Knight MA (Cantab) MEng CEng MICE MIStructE FRSA |
MDes Advisory Group |
Dawn Williams |
Community Mapper - Public Map Platform project |
dw688@cam.ac.uk |
Donald McCrory |
Design Fellow |
Dr Antiopi Koronaki |
Assistant Professor in Design Computation and Fabrication, Fellow in Design, Jesus College Cambridge, Design Fellow Year 2, Studio 5 |
ak2260@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Caitlin Shepherd |
Post doctoral researcher on the Public Map Platform Project |
cms232@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Carolina Vasilikou |
Assistant Professor in Architecture and Design |
cv402@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Darshil U. Shah BEng, PhD, PGCert, AFHEA, FIMMM |
Associate Professor in Materials Science and Design, Co-Lead, Centre for Natural Material Innovation, Fellow, St John's College, Director of Studies, St John's College |
dus20@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Fiona Smyth |
Assistant Professor in Architectural History and Theory |
fms54@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Irit Katz Architect (AEAI), BArch, MA, PhD (Cantab) |
Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Studies, Director MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design and MArch Programmes, Fellow and Director of Studies in Architecture, Christ's College |
ik300@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jamil Nur |
Research Associate |
jn381@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jane Hall |
Teaching Associate in the History and Theory of Architecture |
jlih2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jiayu Pan BSc, MPhil (Cantab |
Post-doctoral Research Associate |
jp844@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Julie Bregulla FREng Dipl.-Ing., PhD, CEng, FICE, MEWI, MIoD |
MDes Advisory Group |
Dr Kaveh Jahanshahi |
Research Associate |
kj299@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Kewei Chen |
Research Associate (Public Map Platform project) |
kc693@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Matteo Zallio M.Arch, PhD |
Assistant Professor |
mz461@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Michal Gath-Morad |
Assistant Professor (BArch, MSc, PhD), Fellow and Incoming Director of Studies in Architecture and Design, Peterhouse |
+44 (0) 1223332976 |
mg2068@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Nilmini Dissanayake CEnv CSci FIMMM |
Research Associate – Centre for Natural Material Innovation |
npd31@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Philip Graham |
Postdoctoral UKRI Design Innovation Scholar, Director of Studies for Homerton College |
plg27@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ramit Debnath |
University Assistant Professor , Course Director (technical), MAUS, DoS and Fellow, Churchill College, PI: Collective Intelligence & Design Group, Co-director: climaTRACES Lab |
rd545@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ricardo Assis Rosa |
Design Fellow |
rma59@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ronita Bardhan BArch, MCP, MA, PhD (Urban Engineering) |
Associate Professor of Sustainable Built Environment , Deputy Head (Director of Research)-Department of Architecture, Director, Cambridge Sustainable Design Group, Director of Postgraduate Studies - Department of Architecture, Visiting Professor - Department of Computer Science and Technology, Member, University of Cambridge - Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee, Director of Studies & Fellow in Architecture, Selwyn College |
01223 332969 |
rb867@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ruchit Purohit |
Post Doctoral Research Associate |
Dr Sebastian Macmillan BA(Hons) BArch(Hons) PhD RIBA FRSA |
Former Director, Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment (IDBE) |
sgm24@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sofia Singler |
Assistant Professor of Architecture, Fellow and College Lecturer in Architecture, St John’s College |
sas97@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Tao DuFour |
Assistant Professor History and Theory of Architecture , Co-Director MArch Programme, Fellow and Director of Studies in Architecture, Trinity College |
tns22@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Tina di Carlo |
Dr Wendy Andrews |
Affiliated Lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art, Course Tutor for the MSt in Building History |
Dr Yu Zhang |
Assistant Professor in Architecture and Design |
yz488@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Zhuozhang Li |
Research Associate |
zl367@cam.ac.uk |
Dr. Adam Menuge PhD |
Course Director for MSt Building History |
01223 760115 |
am2075@cam.ac.uk |
Dr. Felipe Hernández Architect (SCA) B.Arch. MA Ph.D. RIBA |
Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Studies, Director, M.Phil. in Architecture and Urban Studies, Fellow of King’s College, Director of Studies for King’s College |
01223 332961 |
fh285@cam.ac.uk |
Dr. Frank Salmon MA, PhD, FSA |
Associate Professor in the History of Art, Fellow of St John's College |
01223 339366 |
fes11@cam.ac.uk |
Dr. Maximilian Sternberg BA Hons, MPhil, PhD |
Associate Professor, Deputy Head (Teaching), Director of Graduate Studies, Fellow of Pembroke College, Director of Studies for Architecture in Pembroke and St Catharine's Colleges |
01223 332971 |
mjg75@cam.ac.uk |
Edmund Wilson |
Design Fellow Year 2, Studio 3 |
edmund@fosterwilsonarchitects.com |
Ekaterina Mizrokhi |
Research Fellow, Newnham College |
em693@cam.ac.uk |
Elaine Thomas |
Research Project Coordinator (Public Map Platform) |
edt30@cam.ac.uk |
Elena Palacios Carral |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 4 |
edp27@cam.ac.uk |
Enrico Brondelli di Brondello |
Design Fellow Year 1 |
eb534@cam.ac.uk |
February Phillips |
Design Fellow Year 1 |
frp21@cam.ac.uk |
Felicity Davies |
Research Project Coordinator (Public Map Platform) |
fjd37@cam.ac.uk |
Frances Cater |
Postgraduate Administrator |
01223 760122 |
postgraduate.admin@aha.cam.ac.uk |
Freddie Phillipson |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 2 |
fgp21@cam.ac.uk |
James Kwang-Ho Chung |
Design Fellow MPhil (MAUD) and MArch |
jkhc3@cam.ac.uk |
Jane Muir |
Programme Coordinator (Undergraduate) |
01223 (7)60113 |
jcm85@cam.ac.uk |
Jeremy Musson LLB(Hons) MPhil FSA |
Affiliated Lecturer |
jm2511@cam.ac.uk |
Jhono Bennett |
Design Fellow |
jb2607@cam.ac.uk |
Julia Cabanas |
Design Fellow Year 1 |
jc843@cam.ac.uk |
Katherine Nolan |
Design Fellow Year 2, Studio 2 |
kn286@cam.ac.uk |
Katrina Drayton |
MDes Course Administrator |
kd411@cam.ac.uk |
Laurence Lumley |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 2 |
lpel2@cam.ac.uk |
Livia Wang |
Design Fellow Year 1, Director of Studies for Corpus Christi College |
lqw20@cam.ac.uk |
Liz Webb |
Faculty Manager's Assistant |
01223 332966 |
ew509@cam.ac.uk |
Lola Lozano |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 4 |
ll658@cam.ac.uk |
Lucian Stephenson |
Course Technical Administrator |
lms56@cam.ac.uk |
Luke Lupton |
Design Fellow Year 1 |
lrl32@cam.ac.uk |
Luke Malone |
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Centre for Natural Material Innovation (CNMI) |
lpm39@cam.ac.uk |
Marcie Larizadeh |
Design Fellow Year 2, Studio 3 |
mla@squireandpartners.com |
Marisa Grove MA |
Outreach and Communications Coordinator |
01223 332957 |
mlr33@cam.ac.uk |
Martha Godina Rodriguez |
Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Centre for Natural Material Innovation |
mcg63@cam.ac.uk |
Mary Ann Steane MA DipArch RIBA |
Associate Professor, Director of Studies for Murray Edwards and Newnham Colleges |
01223 332965 |
mas58@cam.ac.uk |
Michael H. Ramage MArch, PhD |
Professor of Architecture and Engineering, Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Director of Studies for Sidney Sussex College |
01223 760121 |
mhr29@cam.ac.uk |
Mike Tuck |
Design Fellow Year 1, Director of Studies for Lucy Cavendish College |
mrt28@cam.ac.uk |
Miranda Terry MA (Cantab) Dip Arch MSc (Lon) ARB RIBA |
Associate Professor, Course Director Professional Practice PGC /PGC |
mjt93@cam.ac.uk |
Neil Mayo |
Chief Accounts Clerk |
01223 332952 |
finance@aha.cam.ac.uk |
Nicola Blake |
Design Fellow |
new23@cam.ac.uk |
Olena Syaivo Dmytryk |
Art History Librarian |
01223 332953/332967 |
od241@cam.ac.uk |
Patricia Mato Mora |
Design Teaching Fellow |
pm624@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Alan Short MA Dip.Arch. Ph.D.(Cantab) |
The Professor of Architecture (1970), President of Clare Hall , Director of Studies for Peterhouse |
01223 332958/764155 |
cas64@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Clive Aslet |
Visiting Professor for the Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture 2021-24 |
Professor Deborah Howard MA PhD Litt.D. FBA FRSE FSA FSA Scot Hon FRIAS |
Director of Research and Professor Emerita of Architectural History (No longer accepting new graduate students from September 2017), Fellow of St John's College |
01223 339360 |
djh1000@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Emily So MEng PhD CEng FICE |
Professor of Architectural Engineering, Deputy Head of the School of Arts & Humanities, Associate Director of the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership, Chair, Faculty EDI Committee, Fellow and Director of Studies in Architecture at Magdalene College |
ekms2@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Flora Samuel |
Head of Department, Professor of Architecture (1970), Director of the forthcoming Cambridge Urban Room , Director of Studies for Darwin College |
hod-architecture@aha.cam.ac.uk |
Professor François Penz Dip Arch PhD |
Emeritus Professor of Architecture and the Moving Image, Former Head of the Department of Architecture [2017-2019], Emeritus Fellow of Darwin College, NB. I am no longer accepting new graduate students |
fp12@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Hans van der Heijden |
Sir Arthur Marshall Visiting Professor of Sustainable Urban Design 2013-2014 |
hvdh@hvdha.com |
Professor Harbinder Singh Birdi FRIBA, FICE, FRSA |
Visiting Professor |
Professor Irena Bauman |
The Sir Arthur Marshall Visiting Professor in Architecture 2024 |
Professor James W.P. Campbell MA DipArch PhD (Cantab) RIBA IHBC FSA |
Professor of Architecture and Construction History, Seear Fellow in Architecture and History of Art, Queens’ College, Director of Studies for Queens' |
01223 332958 |
jwpc2@cam.ac.uk |
Professor John Ellis |
Sir Arthur Marshall Visiting Professor of Sustainable Urban Design 2011-12 |
johnellis55@hotmail.com |
Professor John Simpson |
Visiting Professor for the Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture 2021-24 |
Professor Kerstin Barup |
Visiting Professor for the Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture 2021-24 |
Professor Koen Steemers BSc BArch MPhil PhD LLD ARB |
Professor of Sustainable Design, Jesus College (Professorial Fellow), Director of Studies (Jesus College), Former Head of Department (2009-14) |
kas11@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Marcial Echenique OBE MA DArch ScD RTPI RIBA |
Emeritus Professor of Land Use and Transport Studies, Former Head of Department 2003- 2008, Churchill College (Professorial Fellow) |
me15@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Minna Sunikka-Blank MSc PhD Arch SAFA |
Professor of Architecture and Environmental Policy, Fellow of Churchill College, Director of Studies in Architecture for Churchill College |
01223 760126 |
mms45@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Nicholas Ray |
Reader Emeritus, Jesus College (Fellow) |
njr20@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Nick Bullock |
Visiting Professor, King's College (Fellow), Director of Studies for King's College |
noab100@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Peter Carolin CBE MA MA (Arch) ARIBA |
Emeritus Professor of Architecture and former Head of Department 1989-2000, Corpus Christi College (Life Fellow) |
pc207@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Peter Clegg |
Sir Arthur Marshall Visiting Professor of Sustainable Urban Design 2012-2013 |
peter.clegg@fcbstudios.com |
Professor Robin Spence MA MSc PhD MICE FIStructE |
Emeritus Professor of Architectural Engineering, Magdalene College (Fellow) |
Professor Timothy Brittain-Catlin |
Professor of Architecture, Course Leader, MSt Architecture Apprenticeship, Director of Studies for Architecture and Design in Gonville & Caius College |
tjb43@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Wendy Pullan |
Professor Wendy Pullan, Professor of Architecture and Urban Studies, Former Head of Department 2014-17, Clare College (Professorial Fellow), Director of Studies for Clare College |
01223 332962 |
wap10@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Ying Jin |
Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, Director of Research, Director of Studies for Robinson College |
01223 760112 |
yj242@cam.ac.uk |
Receptionist |
Faculty Receptionist/ Clerical Assistant |
01223 332950 |
Reception@aha.cam.ac.uk |
Reham Elwakil |
Design Fellow MArch and Year 1 |
rhe27@cam.ac.uk |
Richard Lavington BSc(Hons), BArch(Hons) First Class, ARB, RIBA |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 1 |
Roger Faires MEng (hons) CEng FIStructE |
Teaching Associate |
rf437@cam.ac.uk |
Rory Sherlock |
Design Fellow Year 2, Studio 4 |
rjs275@cam.ac.uk |
Rosie Hervey |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 3 |
reh200@cam.ac.uk |
Sabrina Puddu |
Design Fellow MPhil (MAUD) and MArch |
sp2132@cam.ac.uk |
Sam Nelson |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 4 |
sjn68@cam.ac.uk |
Sarah Hare |
Design Fellow Year 3, Studio 1 |
sch45@cam.ac.uk |
Stan Finney |
01223 332973/07879 116900 |
swf23@cam.ac.uk |
Sue Luxon BSc JD |
Department Secretary |
01223 332958 |
arct-secretary@aha.cam.ac.uk |
Tansy Rogerson |
Community Mapper - Public Map Platform project |
tr544@cam.ac.uk |
Tanya de Hoog |
MDes Advisory Group |
Tatiana Zhimbiev |
Architecture Librarian |
01223 332953/332967 |
tz212@cam.ac.uk |
Tracey Brown |
Postgraduate Course Administrator |
01223 332959 |
postgraduate.admin@aha.cam.ac.uk |
Vid Znidarsic |
Design Fellow MPhil (MAUD) and MArch |
vz235@cam.ac.uk |
Will Arnold |
MDes Advisory Group |
Zara Kückelhaus |
Faculty Manager |
01223 (3)32593 |
faculty.manager@aha.cam.ac.uk |