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Department of Architecture


Course requirements:

Candidates accepted for this course will have a 1st class or a high 2i honours degree and, a Masters degree with 70% overall (or equivalent) in Architecture or a related discipline.

The University requires all applicants to demonstrate competence in the English language at a very high level before they begin their proposed course of study - adherence to this requirement is strict. You must be able to demonstrate that you are able to communicate in English at a level and in an idiom suitable to the subject. You will, therefore, need to provide evidence that you meet the University’s minimum requirements for competence in English. For further information see Postgraduate Admissions Office.

How to Make an Application for the PhD in Architecture

If you do meet the course requirements, you are recommended to consult the list of our established University Teaching Officers (UTOs) and their research interests (see below for links to information about each of our UTOs). If one of our UTOs has relevant research interests to your own, please email them directly with a short research proposal of about 300 words, an example of your writing and a CV to determine whether they are potentially available to work with you as a supervisor before you make a formal application. See:

Dr Ronita Bardhan - Dr Bardhan encourages applications from highly motivated potential PhD students interested in interdisciplinary research on data-driven sustainable environmental design of urban habitats , public health, climate change, and computational sciences . Some indicative research areas include
- Heat -health and built environment
- Decarbonising built environment
- Urban Microscale Urban Climatology & Modelling
- Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence; Computer Vision
- Building Performance: Simulation; Energy Efficiency
A strong interest and skill in data-driven (quantitative and qualitative), experimental, and simulation methods is desirable. Interested applicants are expected to connect Dr Bardhan through email with (a) Brief research proposal, (b)Curriculum Vitae, (c)Transcripts, and (d)English test result (for international applicants).

Professor James Campbell - Professor Campbell welcomes applications from any potential PhD students interested in researching any aspect of the history of building construction or the history of library design from all parts of the world. Unless they already hold a relevant research degree (an MPhil, not an MArch), successful applicants will normally be required to sit for an MPhil or MSt in the first instance (either an MPhil by Research or on the History of Architecture MPhil in the History of Art department or the MSt in Building History) on the successful completion of which they may be allowed to proceed to the PhD. Interested applicants should send a detailed research proposal. This should include a timeline for research and proposed sources. The potential student is expected to have visited the sources and established their accessibility before application.

Dr Ramit Debnath - Dr Debnath welcomes applications from potential PhD candidates to join his Collective Intelligence & Design research group ( The candidate is expected to have proficiency in data science, ML/AI and statistical modelling relating to environmental and climate change applications in city, regional or global scales. Another area of interest is human-in-the-loop AI design that involves design thinking for responsible AI.
It is highly desirable that the candidate has had previous demonstrable research experiences, which can be in the form of research papers (published or preprint), RAship or predoctoral training. If not, one can consider applying to our MAUS program or any other research-led postgrad program. Please send me your CV and 2-3 page research proposal.

Dr Tao DuFour- Dr DuFour welcomes applications from potential PhD students who are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to spatial and landscape research grounded in the humanities. Areas of PhD supervision interest include: phenomenology of space and environmental experience; spatial and landscape research in postcolonial geographies; spatial ethnography and documentary film; spatial histories of the Caribbean and Guianas; spatial imaginaries, narrative and literature; intergenerational relations and environmentality. Potential applicants are encouraged to consider, in the first instance, applying for the MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies (MAUS) degree program, unless they already hold an equivalent research degree. Interested applicants should send a detailed research proposal, which should include a short abstract, a research statement identifying their topic and thematic interests, a preliminary timeline for research which should include archival research and/or (ethnographic) fieldwork, and a concise list of relevant bibliographic and source material.

Dr Michal Gath-Morad - Dr. Gath-Morad invites interdisciplinary research proposals exploring how architectural design impacts spatial cognition, behaviour, and social dynamics in diverse environments, from healthcare and workplaces to complex urban settings. Proposals can encompass empirical studies, the development of digital simulation tools for human-centred design, or action research investigating the influence of evidence-based design tools on design cognition. Prospective candidates with diverse academic backgrounds, including psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and architecture, are encouraged to reach out to me first and submit concise, one-page research proposals. These should include a summary, research questions, methodology, hypotheses, analysis plan, expected outcomes, and contributions, while referencing relevant state-of-the-art research.

Dr Felipe Hernández - Dr Hernandez welcomes applications on the field of Urban Transformations in African and (South, Central and North) American Cities. As students interested in questions about Race, Poverty and the Urban Peripheries in. those regions of the world. I am also interested in students exploring design questions in connection to social housing and its role in the construction of peace, reconciliation and sociability.

Professor Ying Jin – Professor Jin welcomes applications in the field of urban data science, analysis and modelling at the neighbourhood, city, metropolitan, mega-city, national and international scales. There is no particular restriction regarding the field study of the first degree as he works in an interdisciplinary field spanning architecture, city planning, economics, transportation engineering, geography, investment finance and urban design. The applicants will have already demonstrated excellent skills in critical quantitative research and interdisciplinary engagement.

Dr Irit Katz - Dr Katz is not accepting applications for 2025 intake.

Socio-politics of architecture and urbanism; transitional spaces, camps and borderscapes; spaces of displacement, migration, and climate mobilities; ethnic and cultural diversity, exclusion and inequality; conflict and violence; housing insecurities; radical spatial and urban transformations; participatory architecture and urban design

Dr Antiopi Koronaki - The continuous advancements in the development of computational design tools and fabrication methods enables us to deliver optimised comprehensive and inclusive designs, which can substantially reduce our impact on the environment. I welcome applications from any potential PhD student interested in this interdisciplinary research area, using computational design, architectural engineering and geometry, and design optimization principles. Potential topics may include, but are not limited to automation and design for disassembly, modular buildings and circularity in the construction sector, engineered timber construction, as well as advanced fabrication and robotics in architecture. Interested applicants should send a detailed research proposal, where they identify areas of interest, proposed research methods and a timeline. It would be recommended to contact me before the submission of their research proposal.

Dr Adam Menuge - Dr Menuge is not accepting applications for 2025 intake.

Dr Michael Ramage – Professor Ramage is not accepting applicants for 2025 intake.

Designing and building structural masonry spans using traditional techniques and new materials

Professor Flora Samuel - Prof Samuel’s action oriented and pragmatic work focuses on affordable housing, participatory planning, community consultation, social value and mapping data with communities. She is setting up an ‘urban room’ for Cambridge - a place for communities, university, local authorities, industry and practice to come together to develop evidence based strategy for their city. She is also working in rural North Wales on developing data maps of the Isle of Anglesey. She will only accept PhDs that can augment these existing strands of work. She has a particular interest, as well as considerable experience, in the development of practitioner PhDs and is passionate about developing the research capability of architecture practice so applications by practitioners who are keen to research the reality of contemporary practice are also welcome.

Dr Darshil U. Shah - Dr Shah welcomes applications from any potential PhD student interested in researching any of the following areas: Design and manufacture with biocomposites and low-carbon materials, Structure-property-processing relations in natural materials and structures, Biomechanics and biomimetics, History of natural materials & materials processing, and Design education and pedagogy. Proposals can range from experimental, computational, design work, amongst others, and from fundamental science to applied research. Prospective PhD students should hold a relevant Masters (e.g. Engineering, Materials Science) or a relevant research degree (e.g. an MPhil). Interested applicants should send a detailed research proposal (4-6 pages), which should include a timeline for research. It may be helpful to have identified or approached relevant (academic/industry) partners for potential collaboration. Dr Shah particularly welcomes applications from members of historically excluded groups.

Dr Fiona Smyth - Dr Smyth welcomes applications from Potential PhD students interested in researching the history of environmental design, 20th century architecture and building construction, history of science and architecture, design for inclusion, sound studies and acoustics. Interdisciplinary proposals are very welcome and candidates from different academic disciplines are also warmly encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should send a detailed research proposal, including a short abstract, timeline for research, proposed research methods, and a preliminary bibliography. It is recommended to contact me prior to submission of the research proposal.

Professor Emily So - Professor So is not accepting applications for 2025 intake.

Casualty estimation in earthquake loss modelling, risk in the built environment.

Professor Koen Steemers – Koen is happy to consider applications from potential PhD students interested in carrying out mixed-methods research into sustainable architecture and urban design. Topics can include energy, environmental and ‘circular’ performance of buildings and cities, particularly where this intersects with human behaviour, health and wellbeing. Please prepare a 1500-word research proposal including: topic, research question(s), literature review, methods, timeline and bibliography. Also note that my colleagues – Professor Minna Sunikka-Blank, Dr Ronita Bardhan and Dr Michal Gath-Morad – cover related themes of research and therefore may be appropriate for your interests.

Dr Max Sternberg– Dr Sternberg welcomes applications from any potential PhD students interested in history and theory of architecture and urban studies. He has supervised doctoral students on a wide range of topics, including on diverse aspects of contemporary cities.

Dr Minna Sunikka-Blank - Professor Sunikka-Blank welcomes applications from any potential PhD students interested in researching areas of sustainable housing policy including domestic energy transitions. Unless they already hold a relevant research degree (an MPhil, not an MArch), successful applicants will normally be required to sit for an MPhil or MSt in the first instance on the successful completion of which they may be allowed to proceed to the PhD. Interested applicants should send a detailed research proposal. It is crucial that the research proposal should include plans for fieldwork.

Dr Carolina Vasilikou - Dr Vasilikou welcomes applications from prospective PhD students interested in the fields of sensory urbanism, neurodiversity and spatial design, the intersection of movement and with architecture and the making of participatory inclusive spaces.

Dr Matteo Zallio - Dr. Zallio invites applications from prospective PhD students interested in interdisciplinary research focused on Inclusive Design for the built environment, digital, virtual environments, product design, and service design. Applicants are encouraged to submit a detailed research proposal, including a timeline and expected sources of funding.

You are recommended to only make a formal application via the University’s Graduate Admissions Office, once an established UTO has confirmed that they would be interested to consider a formal application.  Please note that an offer of admission to the University is subject to final approval by the University's Graduate Admissions Office.  Do not assume that you will be made an offer on the grounds that your prospective supervisor has suggested you make a formal application – this just represents the first stage of admission administration.

All applications must be made via the Applicant Portal available on the Postgraduate Admissions Office website. It is important that you read through the information available on the Graduate Admissions Office website before submitting your application. If you are already a current graduate student at Cambridge you will be referred to as a ‘Continuer’ on the Graduate Admissions Office website.

You will need to arrange for the following documents to be submitted with your application:

  • Academic Reference(s) 
  • A Personal Reference will be required if you are applying for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship
  • Transcript
  • Evidence of Competence in English if English is not your first language
  • Sample of Work - this could be a journal publication or a chapter from your undergraduate dissertation
  • Research Proposal of 1000 - 1500 words should consist of a topic and a hypothesis, a literature review, a statement on method, and key references

Application Deadlines

The PhD in Architecture commences in October each year and applications for the course can be made from the preceding September. All applications must be made via the Applicant Portal available on the Postgraduate Admissions Office website. It is important that you read through the information available on the Graduate Admissions Office website before submitting your application.

The final deadline for applicants seeking funding is 7 January 2020. Even if you are not seeking funding, we strongly recommend that you submit your application by 7 January, as no applications will be accepted once this competitive and popular programme is full.

If places are still available on programmes beyond this deadline; self-funded applicants will continue to be considered until the final deadline of 15 May 2020.  No applications will be considered after this deadline.

Course Fees

Information relating to the fee for this course is available from the Postgraduate Admissions Office.   


If you are seeking funding for your course via one of the University’s main funding competitions, there are specific deadlines and eligibility criteria for each competition. Please check the Funding Section of the Postgraduate Admissions Office website for information and application deadlines.  

Applicants classed as 'Home' or 'EU' for fees purposes and wish to research an AHRC approved research subject are eligible to be considered for an Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP studentship. Applicants wishing to be considered for these awards need to check the appropriate box on the application form. Applicants will also need to ensure that they make their application by the funding competition deadline for Home/EU students. Please see the University's AHRC DTP funding website for more information: together with the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP website:

The Department sometimes offers EPSRC awards for students classified as 'Home' or 'EU' for fees purposes.  These awards are advertised on the Department’s website and other media during the Easter Term (Summer Term) if available.  Applicants who have already applied for the PhD degree will automatically be considered for these awards if they meet the criteria for them.

After your Application is Submitted

When the application reaches the Department, it will be considered by the Department’s Graduate Admissions Team. Applicants may be invited for an interview in Cambridge, or, via Skype if it is not possible to travel to Cambridge.  The Faculty’s Degree Committee will then consider the application and make a recommendation to the Graduate Admissions Office as to whether an offer of a place on the course should be made, and if so, with what academic conditions.

Please be aware that this process may take several months.  You can check the status of your application at any time via your Applicant Portal.

Full information about making your application, Colleges, fees and funding opportunities is provided on the Postgraduate Admissions Office website pages.

For further information on graduate admission to the Department of Architecture contact:

At a Glance

Course length and dates:

3 years full-time/5 years part-time, October start.


A dissertation of not more than 80,000 words. 

Academic requirement:

A 1st class or a high 2i honours degree in Architecture or a related discipline, and a Masters degree with merit (if a merit category exists).

English language requirement:

See Postgraduate Admissions Office

Applications accepted from:

The preceding September.

Application Deadlines:

The final deadline for applicants seeking funding is early January, please see Postgraduate Admissions for exact date. Even if you are not seeking funding, we strongly recommend that you submit your application by 7 January, as no applications will be accepted once this competitive and popular programme is full.

Course Fees:

Information relating to the fee for this course is available from the Postgraduate Admissions Office.  


If you are seeking funding for your course via one of the University’s main funding competitions, there are specific deadlines and eligibility criteria for each competition.  Please check the Funding Section of the Postgraduate Admissions Office website for information and application deadlines.