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Department of Architecture


Michaelmas Term:


Monday 14 October

Dr Otto Saumarez Smith (Assistant Professor in Architectural History, University of Warwick)

Architecture and Sociology: Oliver Cox and Mass Observation


Monday 4 November Dr Alan Powers (Writer and lecturer, author of Bauhaus Goes West)

Nice Modern - reordering the historiography of the twentieth century


Monday 18 November

Henrietta Billings (Director of SAVE Britain’s Heritage)

Heritage and the Climate Crisis: the case of the M&S Oxford Street building


Time of all lectures: From 6pm In person with drinks & online

Location: Old Hall, Queens' College and via Zoom.

To register: please email the convenor for in-person attendance, or sign up via the links for Zoom.

To sign up to our newsletter, please contact the lecture convenor, Jana Schuster:

Cambridge Architectural History Seminars, founded in 2019, are organised for the promotion of the study of architectural history, research and debate, and its dissemination to interested postgraduates and professionals. They are organised by Professor James Campbell, Jeremy Musson FSA and Dr Jana Schuster, supported by India Wright, Matt Cooper, Luka Pajovic and Samantha Carrie.