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AUM2024: Reconnections

Symposium on Applied Urban Modelling (AUM), Cambridge, 24-26 June 2024

Download the AUM2024 programme here.

Call for contributions:

Against a backdrop of multiple global challenges, we launch AUM2024 with a theme of reconnections.

First, we wish this symposium will provide an occasion for the whole of the AUM community to reconnect properly after the covid pandemic.  Only some of our colleagues were able to attend in 2022, mainly from Europe and North America.  This June we hope to welcome colleagues from all corners of the globe.

Secondly, multiple global events have already disrupted existing perspectives, theories and methods in our fields.  This is like some wires being unplugged with new sockets appearing in an electric circuit.  There is also an urgent need to interact with a wider range of fields.  In other words, we hope to upgrade and expand intellectual connections. 

Thirdly, the global events have generated a much more diverse range of zeitgeist shifts.  We hope to provide an opportunity for colleagues to consider and discuss the role of applied urban modelling in the rapidly transforming world.

We mourn the passing of Professor Michael Wegener, who was a founding member of the AUM scientific committee and a towering figure in our field. AUM2024 will devote sessions to discuss various modelling ideas that Michael explored in his key role, as well as remembering him for his enduring humanity and intellect.

We hope that the ongoing global and local developments will trigger and motivate the entire applied urban modelling community to re-examine the fundamental drivers that power our cities, and to develop a mutually supportive agenda for the field.

To ensure this symposium works with well fitted sessions, we invite all wising to present to send their initial ideas in an abstract to the lead convenor ( as soon as they are able and by 5 May 2024, with an indication whether they would present in person or online.  This abstract should have a title, affiliation(s) of author(s), a headline summary of 50 words and further text up to 500 words.  All the responses will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. For further details of the symposium, please see below.  We look forward to hearing from you.

The AUM convening team: Michael Batty, Marcial Echenique, Ying Jin, Steve Denman, Vendela Gambill, Jamil Nur and Li Wan  


AUM2024: Further details

The symposium

AUM2024 is the tenth in a planned series of symposia on applied urban simulation models that offer insights into urban change, and support the realisation of imaginative and practical urban initiatives.  Since the launch of the AUM series in 2011, the symposia have attracted delegates from diverse disciplines, universities, professional institutions, government agencies, international organisations and civic groups in an expanding list of developed and developing countries.  The series is hosted by Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, University of Cambridge.

The symposium has a stable, three-day format with simple, plenary sessions.  There is ample time for off-session discussion and networking, which provide opportunities to develop an in-depth understanding of the state of the art across a wide range of different model types and styles, and to inspire good practice.  The main presentation sessions are of 40 minutes in length, during which we recommend 20 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for Q&A.  The presenters are welcome to share written material online beforehand on the AUM webpage or elsewhere.  The symposium also has exhibition space to show research posters throughout the three days where the presenters can discuss their ideas and findings in-depth with delegates.

AUM2024 will continue to have a fully interactive Zoom link for those who are unable to present or attend in person, together with a live-streaming feed for social media and a webpage archive of session recordings.

The timing of the sessions will take advantage of the location of the UK in the world’s time zones: while delegates from most countries can join online the core sessions during each day, the design of the sessions will take into account of special interests and needs from particular time zones.  We could also add an exceptionally early or late session to suit specific topics, speakers and audience – if the prospective delegates have such interests or needs please discuss with us in good time.   The sessions including the Q&As will be recorded for viewing on the AUM webpage.

Expected audience and dissemination
Because of its direct policy relevance we expect a wide audience.  For this reason, the authors are encouraged to report their theories, methods and findings in a non-specialist language for an intelligent and supportive audience.

The Symposium presentations are expected to be at the leading edge of research and modelling and in the usual way they will be disseminated by the authors afterwards through journals with a rigorous refereeing process. Key city region case studies are likely to be disseminated in conjunction with city region or local authority partners through online publication and social media to feed into the policy debate in a direct and accessible manner.  

The outputs of the symposium will be uploaded on the AUM2024 website subject to the authors’ permission.

We wish to engage with a wide group of authors, including leading scholars, policy analysts, decision-makers, practitioners, post-docs and senior PhD students close to completing their dissertations.  Those working at the sharp-end of applied urban modelling and its use in policy, investment or regulatory decision-making are particularly welcome.  We particularly look forward to hearing from authors from the developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa, as well as all the developed countries.  We will continue with the inclusion of high quality presentations from PhD candidates and young postdocs, alongside those from world leading theorists, model developers, users and practitioners.

The symposium is open to all model types and styles.  It welcomes particularly presentations that assess tangible pathways towards achieving practical solutions.  We also welcome presentations that report innovations in related disciplines.

In line with the tradition of AUM, we also welcome presentations that represent innovation in model theories, designs, methods, apps and other niche tools, application case studies etc that are not directly related to the specific themes of each symposium.

Confirmation of presentation for logistical purposes

Those authors who wish to confirm acceptance decisions early (e.g. for arranging travel funding and logistics) are welcome to email in their proposals earlier than the deadline, and we will do our best to confirm the decisions to enable them to complete the logistics.

Symposium Venue

AUM2024 will be held in the Crausaz Wordsworth Building in the grounds of Robinson College, Cambridge.  The venue offers a fabulous meeting and socialising space for symposia of this size.  For details see


Registration fees and possible financial assistance

AUM2024 requires a registration fee (see table below) which covers at cost of symposium organisation, refreshments, conference reception and buffet supper on 24 June, lunches on all three days, and conference buffet dinner on 25 June.  This all-inclusive plan maximises the opportunities of networking and exchange.

Conference Registration Fees

Full Rate

Concessions *

In person all three days 24-26 June including conference reception and buffet supper on 24 June, lunches on all three days, and conference buffet dinner on 25 June. 

£ 325

£ 245

In person day rate (per day)

£ 145

£   95

conference dinner only – for spouses and other guests

£  45


Online registration

£  35

£ 15

* please contact symposium convenors ( for eligibility under the funding rules.

Note that those connecting online will require a paid online pass at £35 for the registration.  This is in line with our previous online events, and is found effective to prevent and to minimise no-shows.  If for some reason if you are unable to pay the fee, but would still be committed to coming to AUM2024, please contact the convenors (

The symposium registration webpage has just been launched:

Participants are also expected to pay for their own travel to and from Cambridge and accommodation in Cambridge.  This arrangement is dictated by the symposium funding structure.  Excellent ensuite accommodation has been block booked at near pre-inflation prices for the conference at

(1) Robinson College (for 23-26 June): with promotion code for AUM2024: 49932

(2) Also the Moller Institute offers accommodation within walking distance for a wider range of dates and at slightly higher price – to book, please email quoting code KX54971.

Because of the tightness of accommodation in Cambridge in the summer, we would encourage delegates to book early.  If any delegates would have issues booking early, please contact us and we would be happy to assist as far as we can.

We have a modest fund to assist those authors who do not have funding for symposium registration, travel or accommodation.  Those who would require financial assistance or have other queries please contact Steve Denman (