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Dalibor Vesely Fund
The Cultural Significance of Architecture: A conference in memory of Dalibor Vesely
Session 2: Design and the European City
Department of Architecture
About the Department
About the Department overview
The Faculty of Architecture and History of Art
A History of the Architecture Department
The Faculty Library
100 Years of Drawings
Support Us
Support Us overview
Dalibor Vesely Fund
Dalibor Vesely Fund overview
The Cultural Significance of Architecture: A conference in memory of Dalibor Vesely
The Cultural Significance of Architecture: A conference in memory of Dalibor Vesely overview
Session 1: History and Philosophy of Architecture
Session 1: History and Philosophy of Architecture overview
To the conference in memory of Dalibor Vesely - José de Paiva
Low Relief - or, articulation tied to embodiment - David Leatherbarrow
Dalibor Vesely and The Primacy of Orality - Perez-Gomez
Karsten Harries - Remembering Dalibor Vesely
Robin Middleton - Dalibor Vesely statement
The Cultural Significance of Architecture - In Memory of Dalibor Vesely - Mari Hvattum
What is the cultural significance of architecture - Peter Carl
The Presence of Dalibor Vesely - K Frampton
Dalibor Vesely's Flat - The Dwelling as a Communicative Field - Dagmar Weston
Session 2: Design and the European City
Session 2: Design and the European City overview
Drawings: David Dernie
Chatting about the city - Diana Periton
Dalibor Reflections - Mohsen Mostafavi - March2016
Creative Intelligence in Architecture - Phil Meadowcroft
Design and the European City - Kalliope Kontozoglou
Athanasios Spanomaridis with DALIBOR VESELY
To DALIBOR - Athanasios Spanomaridis
E.Parry_Dalibor Vesely conference (Session 2)_11 April 2016
CWFrost. Fragment Craft Tradition
David Bass - Architecture Laughter and Animals
Diana Periton - slides
Session 3: Legacy, New Horizons
Session 3: Legacy, New Horizons overview
Carolyn Steel - conference slides
Hand Drawings - P Lynch
Sitopia – a tribute to Dalibor by Carolyn Steel
The Cultural Significance of Architecture - In Memory of Dalibor Vesely - Stephen Witherford
Dalibor Vesely and the criticism of architecture - Rowan Moore060416
Architecture's Contribution - Wendy Pullan
Biba Dow - Dalibor conf_Session 3
Homa - diffused digital
Homa - Conference Slides
William Mann - Ruins of the Baroque - slides
William Mann - Ruins of the Baroque - Slides and text
Dalibor Vesely Memorial Conference Programme
Conference videos via the Department YouTube Channel
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity
Athena Swan
Privacy Policy
All Staff
Staff Overview
Head of Department
Deputy Heads of Department
Academic Staff
Design Fellows
Visiting Academics
Visiting Academics overview
Emeritus Faculty
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MDes Advisory Group
Research Staff
Professional Staff
Courses overview
Undergraduate overview
Architecture Tripos
Architecture Tripos overview
Year One Architecture
Year Two Architecture
Year Three Architecture
Architecture FAQs
Design Tripos (MDes)
Design Tripos (MDes) overview
Year One Design
Year Two Design
Year Three Design
Year Four Design
MDes Advisory Group
Teaching and Assessment
Student Life
Preparing a Portfolio
Reading list for candidates
Outreach and Widening Participation
Postgraduate overview
Master of Architecture (MArch) Degree (ARB/RIBA Part 2)
Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture - ARB/ RIBA Part 3
Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture - ARB/ RIBA Part 3 overview
HOW TO APPLY for the Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture
Dates for Cohort 2024–25
Dates for Cohort 2025-26
MSt Architecture Apprenticeship
MSt Architecture Apprenticeship overview
Teaching and Assesment
MPhil in Architecture & Urban Studies (MAUS)
MPhil in Architecture & Urban Studies (MAUS) overview
How to apply for the MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies
MPhil in Architecture by Thesis
PhD in Architecture
PhD in Architecture overview
How to apply for the PhD in Architecture
MSt Building History
MSt Building History overview
Course Structure
Building History Newsletter - Issue 11 April 2022
Building History Newsletter March 2021
Building History Newsletter December 2019
Building History Newsletter July 2018
Building History Newsletter March 2018
Building History Newsletter July 2017
Building History Newsletter April 2017
Building History Newsletter December 2016
Building History Newsletter March 2016
Building History Newsletter 2 February 2015
Building History Newsletter April 2014
MSt in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment
Research overview
Research Groups
Research Groups overview
Architecture History and Theory
Architecture History and Theory overview
Building Histories
Building Histories overview
The Development of the Timber Roof Truss 1660-1710
History of Brick
History of Brick overview
The Development of Brickwork in England 1610-1710
Brick: a World History
Wren, St Paul’s and 17th Century Craftsmen
Staircases: History, Repair and Conservation
History of Doors
Proceedings of the Construction History Society Conferences
Erasmus Summer Schools on Construction History 2011-2013
Completed PhD Research
Completed PhD Research overview
Wartime Huts
Female Architectural Patronage in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Wallpaper and Decorating Records 1824-1938
Local Tradition and British Influence in Building Construction in Shanghai (1840-1937)
Heating Historic Churches
Timber Railway Bridges in the Nineteenth Century
Seventh Annual Conference on Construction History April 2020
Seventh Annual Conference on Construction History April 2020 overview
Conference Programme
Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceedings overview
Iron and Steel
Before the Eighteenth Century
Eighteenth Century
Nineteenth Century
Twentieth Century
Eighth Annual Conference on Construction History, August 2021
Ninth Conference of the Construction History Society
Eleventh Annual Conference of the Construction History Society
The Library in History
The Soane and Freemasonry
Water and Civilisation
Informal Cities in Latin America
Domestic Devotions: the place of piety in the Italian Renaissance home
Alvar Aalto’s church architecture in Germany
Modern Architecture and the Sacred
Projection: Alvar Aalto and the Moving Image
Behaviour and Building Performance
Behaviour and Building Performance overview
AHRC Filming Energy Research Network (FERN)
AHRC Filming Energy Research Network (FERN) overview
Network Members
Policy Workshops 2021-22
Filming Workshops (2020-22)
A Room in Mumbai
Clean cooking and energy transitions in Mukuru (2023-24)
Clean cooking and energy transitions in Mukuru (2023-24) overview
Contact us
MINE: Machine learning Intelligence Network for Epidemics
MINE: Machine learning Intelligence Network for Epidemics overview
Research & Network Workshop
Network Members
Contact us
The B-bem project: The Bayesian building energy management Portal
The User-TEC project: User Practices, Technologies and Residential Energy Consumption
Circular Maker Cities
Healthy Design in Naval Architecture
Cambridge Cognitive Architecture
Cambridge Collective Intelligence & Design Group
Cambridge Sustainable Design Group
Centre for Natural Material Innovation
The Community Design Research Group
The Community Design Research Group overview
The Cambridge Room
The Public Map Platform
Landscape and Urban Environmentalities Lab
Cambridge University Centre for Risk in the Built Environment (CURBE)
Cambridge University Centre for Risk in the Built Environment (CURBE) overview
Eyewitness Reports of the 26.12.04 South Asian Tsunami
Building damage and casualties in the Kashmir Earthquake of 8.10.05
Indicators for Measuring, Monitoring and Evaluating Post-Disaster Recovery
Flood Narratives
Pan-participatory Assessment and Governance of Earthquake Risks in the Ordos Area (PAGER-O)
Learning from Earthquakes: Building Resilient Communities Through Earthquake Reconnaissance, Response and Recovery
Expertise Under Pressure
Research Events
Research Events overview
The Martin Centre Research Seminar Series
Cambridge City Seminars: Urban Guilds in contemporary placemaking
The Cambridge Architectural History Seminars
Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture Seminars
Conferences overview
Applied Urban Modelling (AUM)
Applied Urban Modelling (AUM) overview
AUM2024: Reconnections
AUM2022: Understanding common challenges
AUM 2020
AUM 2020 overview
AUM2020 Global Workshop (online) - weblink for call for abstracts
Session 1: Launch of the Applied Urban Modelling Symposium 2020 (AUM2020)
Session 2: Status report: Around the globe (22 Oct 2020)
Session 3: Emerging insights into autonomous driving (26 Oct 2020)
Session 4: Taking a long view: the effects of transport investments (29 Oct 2020)
Session 5: Modelling from micro to meso and macro scales (2 Nov 2020)
Session 6: Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: from monitoring to modelling (5 Nov 2020)
Session 7: Urban mobility: now and future (9 Nov 2020)
Session 8: The economics of cities (12 Nov 2020)
Session 9: Modelling Large City Regions (16 Nov 2020)
Session 10: The microscopic dimensions (19 Nov 2020)
Session 11: Urban modelling and the planning of the built environment (23 Nov 2020)
Session 12: Spatial modelling as rapid response to mitigate the pandemic (26 Nov 2020)
Session 14: Concluding session (3 Dec 2020)
AUM 2018
AUM 2015
Urban Modelling Archive
Joint Cambridge-Berkeley Urban Design Charrette
Joint Cambridge-Berkeley Urban Design Charrette overview
John G. Ellis: Urban Design Seminar: Teaching Urban Design: A Hands-on Experience
Old Oak Common, London: ‘Fundamental Questions’
Old Oak Masterplan:Question & Answer Session for shortlisted tenderers
Old Oak and Park Royal: Guided Tour Briefing Pack
PARK ROYAL ATLAS: An Employment Study of London’s Largest Industrial Area
Spectres of Time in Space: Tracing Phantom Temporalities with Architectural Methodologies
Scroope Journal
Scroope Journal overview
Current Issue
UNFOLD: Decolonising Architecture at Cambridge website
Current PhD Research in the Department
Current PhD Research in the Department overview
Sam Aitkenhead: The unintended consequences of designing out friction from the home of the future
Karam Alkatlabe: How can Digital Participatory Planning and Collaborative Urban Design reshape the urban recovery process in post-disaster cities? The case of Damascus
Anna Michelle Behr: Understanding the English Country House Hotel: The First Country House Hotel Conversions in the mid-Nineteenth Century until the Second World War
Fatma Beyza Celebi: Cosmopolitan Nostalgia: Examining local memory in contemporary Istanbul focusing on spatial and visual representations of the city’s cosmopolitanism in the 1920s and 1930s
Mohamed Derbal: Space, Time and Community: German Architectural Discourse and the Search for National Unity, 1890-1914
Joshua Dimasaka: Global Disaster Risk Audit using Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation Data
Hamideh Farahmandian: An Investigation into the Cinematic Representations of Spatial Poverty Trap in Tehran (1963–2022)
Nicholas Frayne: Spaces of Violence and Healing: the material agency of architecture in justice in Kenya
Vendela Gambill: Collaborative planning: identifying barriers to housing delivery in London at multiple geographic scales
I-Dec Goh: Bias mitigated data-driven façade design of social housing in Singapore using thermal and imaging information
Elizabeth Baldwin Gray: Conceptions of the Gothic: Romantic Medievalism in Early Modern German Architecture
Charlie Hamilton (FCILT): Mass Transit in Small to Medium Sized Cities
Fengyuan (Simon) Han: A New Analytical Model to Support Railway Infrastructure and Urban Development in Low Income Countries
Juliet Harrison-Egan: Spaces of Education: the role of schools in the post-apartheid city
Yu Hu: The Evolution of Urban Office Space in The Age of Information and Communication Technology
Sean Hughes: The 21st Century Suburb: A Method for Transit Driven Redevelopment in North American Suburbia
Tom Joashi: Rethinking Urban Conflict Through the French Wars of Religion (1550-1572)
Yasser M. Khaldi: Governing Renewable Energy Transition in Conflict Contexts: The Case of Palestine
Saitabau Kumary: Adaptability of Buildings and Cities to High Temperature: A Thermal Resilient Assessment of Nairobi City
Mohamed Hesham Khalil: Architecting hippocampal plasticity through spatial complexity
Sophie Lanigan: Between City and Sea: The Design of Coastal Urban Seascapes with Oysters as an Architectural Response to Climate Change
Bing-Tao Lee: Biophilic Design and Mental Wellbeing: The Relationship Between Indoor Plants, Positive Emotions and Behaviour
Yufei Li: Atlas in Motion: Visualising Manchuria through Moving Images
Mariana Llano Valencia: Challenging the influence of coloniality, whiteness and patriarchy in urban planning in Cartagena, Colombia
Yusi Luo: Housing Choices of Young graduates in the UK
Noor Mazhar: Incremental Densification: The production, regularisation, and regulation of rental housing markets in Cape Town, South Africa
Fatma Mhmood: Social Narratives and Women’s Spatial Experiences of Parks and Desert Landscapes in the UAE
Heather Mitcheltree: Geographies of gendered and domestic violence in Australia
Mihaela Mitrovic: On the Interplay of Neuroscience and Architecture, or How Architectural and Urban Spaces Influence Human Cognition, Emotion and Behaviour: The Case of Awe, Affordance, and Urban Wellbeing
Ekaterina Mizrokhi: Life in Anachronistic Space: Awaiting Demolition in Moscow's Soviet-era Standardised Housing
Ummiye Seyda Mutlu: Urban Rooms: Places of Mediation, Participation, and Urban Change
Luka Pajovic: ‘Temples fit for Thee’: Framing the classical church interior in seventeenth-century London
Jiayu Pan: Redesigning interior spaces to accommodate social distancing for the rare events
Lingzi Pan: The role of social connectedness in quality-of-life measurement and urban modelling
Zhikai Peng: Exploring Urban Spatial Behaviour Under Thermal Stress: How variations in sun and wind conditions due to urban form affect public space use?
Georgia Politi: The life and work of Sir Horace Jones, PRIBA (1819-1887)
Natcha Ruamsanitwong: Modernising Britain: Sir Leslie Martin (1908-2000) and his role in shaping the Architectural Education in Britain
Filomena Russo: Restorative characteristics of intermediate architectural environments
Michael Salka: On the Origin of Buildings: Social-Ecological Networks Provisioning the Built Environment
Aisha Sobey: Urban futures: The implications of smart cities and digital living for wellbeing
Lei Song: Fountains, Baths, and Urban Water Supply in England, 1400 - 1800
Maoran Sun: Scenario-based strategies for decarbonizing Hard-to-Decarbonize housing
Chuheng Tan: Exploring the Integration of Mycelium Biocomposite into Building System
Cleo Valentine: Architectural Neuroimmunology: Assessing the Impact of Architectural Form on Human Neuroinflammation
Jeroen van Ameijde: Quality of life in high-density urban environments: Data-driven analysis of Hong Kong’s public housing environments and social interaction
Eimar Watson: The British Marble Industry 1748-1905
Jonathan Weston: Beyond the Pretty Picture: Exploring the Aesthetic and Function of the Architectural Visualisation
Eduardo Wiegand: The Life Cycle Design of Multi-storey Wood Buildings: opportunities for efficiency across the construction value chain
Ruaa Jawdat Yagkhmour: Between Domination and Liberation: Exploring Paradoxes in Urban Planning Practices in the West Bank, Palestine
Yue Ying: Understanding variability in neighbourhood responses to regeneration initiatives
Di Zhao: European Railway Buildings in China 1890-1940: an example of cross-cultural exchange
Lingzheng Zhu: Mediating Nature: The Practice of Synthetic Media in the Contemporary Eastern Context
Shanshan Xie: An investigation of heterogeneous commute mode choices to link travel demands to flexible working policies: using an Early Stopping Bayesian Data Assimilation
Visiting Scholars
Visiting Students
News overview
Events overview
Past Events
Events overview
Past Events
Professional Studies Advisors (PSA)
Professional Studies Advisors (PSA) overview
Design and the European City - Kalliope Kontozoglou
Department of Architecture
About the Department
Support Us
Dalibor Vesely Fund
The Cultural Significance of Architecture: A conference in memory of Dalibor Vesely
Session 2: Design and the European City
Drawings: David Dernie
Chatting about the city - Diana Periton
Dalibor Reflections - Mohsen Mostafavi - March2016
Creative Intelligence in Architecture - Phil Meadowcroft
Design and the European City - Kalliope Kontozoglou
Athanasios Spanomaridis with DALIBOR VESELY
To DALIBOR - Athanasios Spanomaridis
E.Parry_Dalibor Vesely conference (Session 2)_11 April 2016
CWFrost. Fragment Craft Tradition
David Bass - Architecture Laughter and Animals
Diana Periton - slides
Session 1: History and Philosophy of Architecture
Session 3: Legacy, New Horizons
Dalibor Vesely Memorial Conference Programme
Conference videos via the Department YouTube Channel