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Development of English Brickwork[1]

James W.P. Campbell was Research Associate and Professor Andrew Saint was the Principle Investigator on this two year AHRC grant researching the development of brick construction in the seventeenth century. The project involved in depth research into Guild Records, Contracts and Building Accounts of the period.

Research outputs


James W.P. Campbell“The Duties of a Seventeenth-Century Bricklayer”, British Brick Society Information, 90 (February 2003) ISSN 0960-7870, pp. 14-15 (2 pages).

James W.P. Campbell“The study of bricks and brickwork in England since Nathaniel Lloyd” in Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History, edited by Santiago Huerta (Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrara, 2003), pp. 479-489, reprinted in the Construction History Society Newsletter, no. 66 (June 2003), pp. 31-38 (8 pages).

James W.P. Campbell“Robert Tatersal – the Eighteenth-Century Bricklaying Poet”, British Brick Society Information, 90 (February 2003) ISSN 0960-7870, pp. 20-26 (7 pages). 

James W.P. Campbell“More on Pug Mills”, British Brick Society Information, 89 (November 2002) ISSN 0960-7870, p. 17 (1 page). 

James W.P. Campbell“The Manufacture and Dating of English Brickwork 1600-1720” with Andrew Saint, Archaeological Journal, no. 159 (2002), ISSN 0066-5983, pp. 170-193 (24 pages). 

James W.P. Campbell“The Myth of the Seventeenth-Century Pug Mill”, British Brick Society Information, 86, (December 2001) ISSN 0960-7870, pp. 7-8 (2 pages). 

James W.P. Campbell“A Bibliography of Works on Brick published in England before 1750” (with Andrew Saint), Construction History, 17 (2001), ISSN 0267-7768, pp. 17-30 (14 pages).