Session 1: Take stock, consider the fundamentals, and look forward: a conversation with Michael Batty, Marcial Echenique and Michael Wegener (15 Oct 2020)
Session outline
- Welcome by Ying Jin, Director of the Martin Centre, University of Cambridge
- Take stock, consider the fundamentals, and look forward: a conversation with Michael Batty, Marcial Echenique and Michael Wegener
Discussants: Ying Jin (University of Cambridge) and Ola Uduku (Manchester School of Architecture)
Session chair: Janina Schupp (University of Cambridge)
Bios of speakers, discussants and chairs:
Michael Batty is Chairman of the Management Board of the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) and Bartlett Professor of Planning (Emeritus) at University College London. |
Marcial Echenique is Professorial Fellow of Churchill College and Emeritus Professor of Land Use and Transport Studies at the University of Cambridge.
Michael Wegener is a Partner at Spiekermann & Wegener Urban and Regional Research.
Ying Jin is a University Reader in Architecture and Urbanism at Dept of Architecture, University of Cambridge, and Lead Convenor of the AUM symposia since 2011. |
Ola Uduku is Research Professor in Architecture at the Manchester School of Architecture. |
Janina Schupp is a Research Fellow at the Martin Centre on digital media, gaming and moving images studies and an AUM2020 Co-Convenor |
This is the session that starts the conversations about modelling the new urban world through taking stock, considering the fundamental drivers of cities and urban activities, and looking forward over the immediate horizons of the city regions.
Background reading
M Batty |
EPB editorial - The Coronavirus crisis: What will the post-pandemic city look like? See |
M Batty |
EPB editorial - Unpredictability. See |
H Couclelis |
EPB commentary –There will be no Post-COVID city. See: |
A Kellerman, Cesar A Hidalgo, M Kleinman, E Talen and S Parnell |
Advanced EPB commentaries by Aharon Kellerman, Cesar A Hidalgo, Mark Kleinman, Emily Talen and Susan Parnell, courtesy of the journal Environment and Planning B |
EM Forster |
The Machine Stops. First published in the Oxford and Cambridge Review, November 1909. |
UK2070 Commission reports |
R Kerslake |
Sir Peter Hall Memorial Lecture 2020 by Lord Robert Kerslake, to watch at |