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Department of Architecture


PSA mentoring image

If you have studied at Cambridge for Part I or Part II you can apply to have a Cambridge Professional Studies Advisor. We assign these every year at the end of July. Their task is to meet with you two or three times during the year to sign your PEDR logsheets and discuss your progress in gaining experience ( a full list of their duties is found here). They can also help liaise with your Employment Mentor (the person who should be assigned within your architectural practice to oversee your professional experience) if you think you are not getting the right kind of experience.

How much does it cost?

To cover costs and so we can offer the PSA’s a nominal fee we are now charging a token fee per year of £30.

How to get a PSA

Between 1st May and 31st July you can sign up to get a PSA. The process is in two stages. Click here and register with the University’s online payment system. Once you have done so or if you are already registered click here.

What happens when I register?

When you have registered we will send you a confirmation email that your payment has been received. In July we will send you further details of your assigned PSA. It is then up to you to contact them (they will have been given your contact details). We try if possible to assign you a PSA in Cambridge or London depending on where you work. Those working overseas may wish to decide whether they want a London or Cambridge PSA.

When should I get a PSA and start filling out my PEDR sheets?

Although it is tempting only to get a PSA when you need all your logbooks signed, we strongly advise against this as it undermines the whole point of a PSA. You should get one when you start accruing experience and keep your logbook up to date. 

Data Protection

The University, in line with data protection regulations, has issued the following statements for students and PSAs.


If you have any questions please contact