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33. Lukas Stampfer 

TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Austria 

 Online paper: Do As The Romans Do: possible Roman influences on the construction of Nordic settlers


Abstract: describing 20th century practice in making turf dwellings and how that compares to Roman walling techniques and suggests the route of these ancient traditions might be found in Roman techniques being copied in Scotland and thence to Scandinavia.



34. Andreas Thuy 

ETH Zurich, Switzerland 

 Online paper: The ‘Pilzdecken’ of the Federal Granary in Altdorf: “a paragon facility for the modern art of building”


 Abstract: Paper on concrete and its use by the Swiss engineer Robert Maillart (1872-1940) to produce a 1909 patent for Pilzdecken (girderless slabs showing Maillart’s system in action in the building the Federal Granary in the Swiss city of Altdorf constructed in 1912. 



35. Valentina Guagliardi 

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy 

 Online paper: Building reconstruction following the 1905 Calabria Earthquake


 Abstract: This paper looks at the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Calabria in 1905 and the steps taken to re-house the inhabitants of the region in earthquake-proof dwellings.


36. Dimitris Theodossopoulos

ESALA, University of Edinburgh, UK

Irini Gratsia


 Online paper: Andreas Dracopoulos and Ergoliptiki, and the Introduction of Reinforced Concrete in Greece


Abstract: This paper examines the introduction of reinforced concrete to Greece between 1910 and 1941, showing the dominance of the Hennebique system and introducing a number of individuals who have been previously overlooked. 



37. Roshanak Haddadi

PhD student, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Mario Rinke

University of Antwerp, Belgium 

 Online paper: Early glulam for temporary large scale structures in Switzerland


Abstract: Paper covers the development of glulam as a structural material in the early part of the twentieth century in Switzerland 



38. Leda Dimitriadi 

Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Malaquais, France; 

 Online paper: The geometry and structure of an early freeform roof: the Europe 1 Transmitter Building in the Saar


Abstract: Paper on the Europe 1 Transmitter building that is Germany close to the French border completed in 1955, designed by Jean-François Guédy ad André Nejavits-Méry as a concrete hall with glass walls covered by a curving free form roof, looking at the discussions around the setting out of this form and its relationship to other hyperbolic structures in the post-war period



39. Ann Verdonck 

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 

 Online paper: The history of Hasco-Relief: a Dutch decorative render that found its way to Belgian craftsmen


 Abstract: Paper examines the history and development of Hasco-Relief and how it was invented  in 1932 in the Netherlands but became popular in Belgium. And was a textured oil-based finish for concrete which contained a “cold glaze” which made it waterproof and easy to clean. 



40. Laura Greco 

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy 

 Online paper: Mountain Buildings: Prefabrication in Italian Alpine Shelters (1925-44)


 Abstract: Looks at the design of alpine emergency shelters between 1925 and 1944 detailing the challenges involved and the solutions adopted, both large and small to resist the high winds involved

 Questions: [insert email link here:


41. Anne Marie Sowder 

City University of New York, City Tech, United States

Edward Sowder

ERS Images, United States 

 Online paper: Indestructible: The Construction of Stormproof Concrete Hurricane Houses in the 1930s Florida Keys


 Abstract: Paper on the construction of stormproof houses in the 1930s in the US. 



42. Sofia Nannini 

Politecnico di Torino, Italy 

 Online paper: Icelandic Concrete Surfaces: Guðjón Samúelsson’s Steining (1930–50)


 Abstract: Paper on Steining, a render specifically designed to protect concrete surfaces from the freeze-thaw problems associated with the cold and used in Iceland and invented by Guöjón Samúelsson in 1930. 



43. Maryia Rusak 

PhD candidate, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway 

 Online paper: Norwegian Systems Architecture: Timber Prefabrication of Moelven Brug


 Abstract: Paper looks at the 19th century Norwegian joinery firm, Moelven Brug and how it transformed itself into a major producer of prefabricated timber homes in 1970s in Norway.



44. Giulia Boller 

Institute of Technology in Architecture (ITA), ETH, Zurich

Joseph Schwartz 

Institute of Technology in Architecture (ITA), ETH, Zurich 

 Online paper: Modelling the form. Heinz Isler, Frei Otto and their approaches to form-finding


 Abstract: Paper on at how Heinz Isler and Frei Otto used physical models to find the shapes of their tension structures.



45. Marisela Mendoza

School of Architecture Design and Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University

Ignacio del Cueto Ruiz-Funes

Professor in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 

 Online paper: Preservation and conservation of Felix Candela’s historic concrete shell:  Los Manantiales restaurant

 Abstract: Paper looks at one of Felix Candela’s concrete shell structures: the Los Manantiales restaurant in Mexico City 



46. Marisela Mendoza

School of Architecture Design and Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University

Mariana Esponda 

Azrieli School of Architecture, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Laila Cordero Espinosa 

Diploma Student, Faculty of Architecture UNAM, Mexico

Valeria Mendez 

Diploma Student, Faculty of Architecture UNAM, Mexico

 Online paper: The Cosmic Rays Pavilion: the first hypar concrete shell in Latin-America, constructed at Ciudad Universitaria campus, Mexico City (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

 Abstract: Looks at the first of Candela’s shell-structures, the Cosmic Rays Pavilion built in 1951, in Mexico City.



47. Jelena Dobbels 

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium 

 Online paper: Delineating construction competences and expertise. Analysis of twentieth-century dispute settlement by the Brussels’ contracting company Entreprises Générales Henri Ruttiens et Fils


 Abstract: Paper looks at the dispute resolution of one particular Belgium Company, Enterprises Générales Henri Ruttiens et Fils over the 20th century



48. Alejandra Albuerne 

Institute for Sustainable Heritage, UCL, UK 

 Online paper: Robin Hood Gardens: Reinforced concrete design and construction of a museum artefact in reinforced concrete


 Abstract: Paper examines, in detail and with careful use of surviving archival sources, the cladding of the controversial 20th century housing development, Robin Hood Gardens, a part of which is being preserved at the Victoria & Albert Museum as the rest of the development is being demolished 



49. Ilaria Giannetti 

Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy 

 Online paper: Reinforced concrete, industry and design: Balency prefabricated panels between France and Italy


 Abstract: Paper looks the Balency prefabricated concrete panel system and how it was used in France and Italy. The Balency system was invented in France in 1948, patented in 1950 ad introduced to the French market 1952 and into Italy in 1964. The article details the system and its adoption, with clear diagrams and photographs showing how it worked



50. Vladimir B. Ladinski 

University American College Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia 

 Online paper: The Legacy of the Émigré Russian Architects in Former Yugoslavia


Abstract: Paper looks at the legacy of émigré Russian architects working in Yugoslavia after the First World War.



51. Paula Fuentes 

Department of Architectural Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium;

Rosa Ana Guerra-Pestonit

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain 

 Online paper: The Vaults of Sint-Theresia’s church in Dilbeek (Belgium): Tradition and Innovation in Tile Vaults in the 20th Century


 Abstract: Paper looks at the transfer of technology of thin tile vaults and how they were used in the vaulting of St Theresia’s church in Dilbeck in Belgium in the 1930s



52. Mario Rinke 

University of Antwerp

Roshanak Haddadi

PhD ETH Zürich

 Online paper: Transforming the traditional timber roof – the sports hall in Birsfelden as an early glulam application in Switzerland


Abstract: Glulam was first patented in 1906. This paper details how the exclusive rights for its use in Switzerland were brought Swiss engineers Bernhard Terner and Charles Chopard and how they used it on one specific project, the sports hall at Birsfelden, which contains curving principle rafters and purlins in an otherwise surprisingly traditional roof form. 



53. Stephanie Van de Voorde

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 

Linsy Raaffels 

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 

 Online paper: The private house of engineer Jean-Marie Huberty and its hypar roof. A unique experiment in concrete construction in Belgium in the 1960s


Abstract: Paper gives a description of how an engineer designed and built for himself an extraordinary house with a thin shell hypar roof with the help of a fellow engineer who was an expert in these structures.
