24. Walter Richard Wheeler
Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc., Rensselaer, NY, USA
Online paper: Post-Colonial New World Dutch Framing Innovations and the Development of the Balloon Frame
Abstract: Paper traces the transmission of Dutch house-framing techniques in the US as a precursor of the later development of the balloon frame. The balloon frame with its small section timbers and nailed joints was the product of newly machine sawn timbers and the production of cheap nails in the 19th century, but as Walter shows, small section timbers had been used in framing much earlier
Questions: wtheb@aol.com
25. Giuseppe Mazzone
University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Abstract: The paper provides an introduction stonecutting and stereotomy in the works of De L’Orme and Guarini,
Questions: gmazzone@nd.edu
26. James W.P. Campbell
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge, UK
Abstract: This explores the work of John Theophilus Desaguliers, an 198th century British writer whose publications give the very first description of pumped fountains
Questions: jwpc2@cam.ac.uk
27. Mike Chrimes
Institution of Civil Engineers Panel for Historical Engineering Works
Online paper: Jesse Hartley in 1797: evidence on the making of the Liverpool Docks Engineer
Abstract: The paper examines a new piece of evidence on the life of Jesse Hartley (1780-1860), the engineer of the Liverpool Docks. Hartley’s papers were burned after his death but there are a few chance survivals. This paper looks at a diary from 1797, which contains the appointments for the young trainee engineer and gives an idea of his movements. Chrimes compares this to other sources and diaries of the period.
28. Estefanía Herrero-Garcia
Architect, Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construccio.
Ignacio-Javier Gil-Crespo
PhD Architect, Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construcción
Online paper: Industrial technology and brick vaults construction in Spain, 18th century: The Royal Glass Factory in La Granja
Abstract: This paper looks at the Royal Glass Factory in San Ildefonso in Segovia in Spain, a monumental 18th century complex in the ground of the palace built as a showpiece whose layout was strongly reminiscent of a monastery with the main space mimicking a church with a central brick dome over the main furnace and glass-making happening in the barrel-vaulted nave-like space off it, all constructed with the aim of being as fire-proof as possible.
Questions: estefania.hgarcia@gmail.com
29. Lia Romano
Department of Architecture, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Abstract: Looks at the contribution of the artist-engineer Jean Far Eustach de Saint-Fer (1746-1828) to the debate on the construction of fire proof floors and the promotion of the use of hollow clay pots
Questions: lia.romano2@unina.it