AUM is a series of annual symposia for discussing applied urban simulation models that offers insights into urban change and informs practical policy initiatives. It welcomes scholars and practitioners who are developing or using such models. Since its launch in 2011, the symposia have attracted delegates from diverse disciplines, universities, professional institutions and government agencies in many countries.
The symposia have a simple format that allocates ample time for presentation and discussions, and provides opportunities to build up an in-depth understanding of the state of the art across different model types and styles. High quality papers from final year PhD candidates and young postdocs account for around one third of the presentations and they are scheduled in themed sessions along with papers from leading model developers, users and reviewers.
The Martin Centre hosts the symposia. We acknowledge additional funding from the British Academy, University of Cambridge Centre for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), the EPSRC Regional Visions Project , the EPSRC Energy Efficient Cities Project, EPSRC Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction and the and the UKRI QR-SPF funding for policy-related modelling.
For information on past symposia, see AUM2011, AUM2012, AUM2013, AUM2014, AUM2015 , AUM2017 and AUM2018, , AUM2020 online conversations, AUM2020 Global Workshop and AUM2022.
The Call for Contributions is now open for AUM2024: Reconnections.