Scroope 32
Theme: The Quotidian and the Enchanted
Editors in Chief: Fatma Mhmood and Heather Mitcheltree
Editors: Jerry Chow, Joshua Dimasaka, Hamideh Farahmandian, Juliet Harrison-Egan, Noor Mazhar and Michael Salka
Design and Art Direction: Sam Aitkenhead, Catherine Knight, Fatma Mhmood and Heather Mitcheltree
Cover Design: Isabel Connolly-Linden
Forward: Professor Flora Samuel
Contributions: Adam Walls, Alex Brown & Charity Edwards, Agostino Nickl, Gerlinde Verhaeghe, Laura Darlington, Heather Mitcheltree and Fatma Mhmood, Ecaterina Stefanescu, Leo Xian, Joshua Guiness, François Penz, Robert Gerard Pietrusko, Heidi Svenningsen Kajita, Stephen Ajadi and Marine de Dardel
Scroope 32 is an open-access issue, licensed under a Creative Commons license.