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Department of Architecture


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ArcSoc is the undergraduate Architecture Student Society, and an integral part of undergraduate student life at Cambridge. Run entirely by and for students, Arc Soc organises a wide range of events and services for architecture students during the year. These include film nights, life drawing classes, talks and the famous Arc Soc cabarets, as well as the Arc Soc materials shop where students can buy materials for their projects at reduced prices. Most importantly, Arc Soc curate, design and run the end of year London exhibition, which displays work from all years in a central London venue in mid July.


The exhibition is the culmination of the academic year, and is entirely student curated, designed and managed. It is held in London. This year it was held at Ugly Duck in Bermondsey from the 5th - 7th July. You can find out more about the exhibition here.



The Department of Architecture believes in offering parity to all students where possible and therefore tries to cover the costs of essential software, paper, model-making materials and printing for presentations within the University fees. There may be occasions where students choose to use alternative materials, or larger models, and unfortunately, the Department cannot guarantee to cover these costs. 

A small number of computer workstations, with software relevant to coursework, are provided within the Department buildings, but the majority of students have a laptop and this will make the experience of the course easier. There may be resources within your college to help provide a laptop, and we are looking into the development of a hardship fund within the department to assist where necessary. 

Portfolios are submitted electronically. Students are expected to supply normal stationery such as pens, pencils, glue, rulers, writing paper and erasers.

Additional course costs include:

  • University approved scientific calculator – estimated cost - £16-18
  • Site boots (other safety equipment will be loaned when required) – estimated cost - £30
  • Compulsory study trip in the first year (travel and accommodation costs are funded by the Department, but students are required to cover their own subsistence costs) – estimated cost of subsistence - £100-£150 



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