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Department of Architecture


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We offer a range of excellent courses which provide training for those who wish to practice architecture and those who wish to undertake research in the field of architecture.

Professional Degrees:

Taught Degrees (full-time):

Research Degrees (full or part time):

Research Degrees (part-time):

The Department of Architecture is pleased to participate in a new ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) at the University of Cambridge.  A range of studentships are available across the social sciences at Cambridge; if you are interested in how society works and how it can handle global challenges, an ESRC DTP studentship will give you a world-class training programme, with access to leading international scholars both at Cambridge and other DTPs, and a wide community of fellow social scientists.

You can find out more about ESRC DTP studentships here:

Please contact to discuss your interest in applying for a DTP studentship.