Submitted by M.L. R. Grove on Mon, 30/09/2024 - 10:36
MAUD Alumna and newly-appointed Cambridge Design Teaching Fellow Patricia Mato-Mora has been published in the ARENA Journal of Architectural Research (AJAR), edited by Dr Murray Fraser and Dr Steve Parnell. AJAR is an online Open Access peer-reviewed journal for all kinds of design research and scholarly research within the architectural field, and has been set up by the ARENA network (Architectural Research European Network Association).
Mato-Mora’s article, 'Gi:iko Ce:mo’oidag' has been recently featured in the Journal. Gi’iko Ce:mo’oidag presents the Indigenous Akimel O’Otham community of the Sonora Desert as key agents of sustainable urban change in the region, on account of their espousal of sustainable values, and their recent water rights reclamation. The design proposal presented in the paper offers a possible avenue for the Akimel O’Otham to complement their irrigation plans with an urban-agrarian development that diversifies the uses assigned to the tribe’s water supply.
Patricia Mato-Mora is a chartered architect who has worked as a craftswoman and fabricator specialized in clay, earth and ceramics since 2013, and has taken part in artist residencies worldwide, including at the European Ceramic Workcentre and Konstfack University for Arts, Crafts and Design. Her work has been exhibited and published internationally, in publications such as The Journal of Modern Craft, Craft Research and The Architectural Review. Patricia is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has taught in Higher Education since 2013, including as a Senior Lecturer at London Metropolitan University and an Environmental and Technical Studies Design Thesis Tutor at the Architectural Association.