Architecture school is about learning to build things that make a difference. That’s why, for several years, the University of Cambridge First Year has spent their first term designing and building a real project with a local organisation. In past years, this has included a large interactive percussion wall made from recycled water cooler bottles for the Junction arts venue in Cambridge, and working with the charity Cambridge Cyrenians to design and build six permanent structures to enhance their allotment space.
You can see documentation of these projects here:
Three years ago we worked with the newly opened Cambridge University Primary School in North West Cambridge. In collaboration with the pupils and staff we designed some useful, inventive and enjoyable additions to their outdoor space to provide space for necessary activities such as resting, meeting and performing that are part of the school’s daily routines.
To learn more about the project visit:
Read about the project in the Cambridge News.
View some short films about the project:
Photo credit: Jim Ross