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Department of Architecture


Name Job titles Office phone Email address
Dr Caitlin Shepherd Post doctoral researcher on the Public Map Platform Project
Dr Darshil U. Shah BEng, PhD, PGCert, AFHEA, FIMMM Associate Professor in Materials Science and Design, Co-Lead, Centre for Natural Material Innovation, Fellow, St John's College, Director of Studies, St John's College
Dr Fiona Smyth Assistant Professor in Architectural History and Theory
Dr Sofia Singler Assistant Professor of Architecture, Fellow and College Lecturer in Architecture, St John’s College
Dr. Frank Salmon MA, PhD, FSA Associate Professor in the History of Art, Fellow of St John's College 01223 339366
Dr. Maximilian Sternberg BA Hons, MPhil, PhD Associate Professor, Deputy Head (Teaching), Director of Graduate Studies, Fellow of Pembroke College, Director of Studies for Architecture in Pembroke and St Catharine's Colleges 01223 332971
Lucian Stephenson Course Technical Administrator
Mary Ann Steane MA DipArch RIBA Associate Professor, Director of Studies for Murray Edwards and Newnham Colleges 01223 332965
Professor Alan Short MA Dip.Arch. Ph.D.(Cantab) The Professor of Architecture (1970), President of Clare Hall , Director of Studies for Peterhouse 01223 332958/764155
Professor Emily So MEng PhD CEng FICE Professor of Architectural Engineering, Deputy Head of the School of Arts & Humanities, Associate Director of the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership, Chair, Faculty EDI Committee, Fellow and Director of Studies in Architecture at Magdalene College
Professor Flora Samuel Head of Department, Professor of Architecture (1970), Director of the forthcoming Cambridge Urban Room , Director of Studies for Darwin College
Professor John Simpson Visiting Professor for the Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture 2021-24
Professor Koen Steemers BSc BArch MPhil PhD LLD ARB Professor of Sustainable Design, Jesus College (Professorial Fellow), Director of Studies (Jesus College), Former Head of Department (2009-14)
Professor Minna Sunikka-Blank MSc PhD Arch SAFA Professor of Architecture and Environmental Policy, Fellow of Churchill College, Director of Studies in Architecture for Churchill College 01223 760126
Professor Robin Spence MA MSc PhD MICE FIStructE Emeritus Professor of Architectural Engineering, Magdalene College (Fellow)
Rory Sherlock Design Fellow Year 2, Studio 4