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eeci teaser portlet[1]

Professor Koen Steemers
Professor Marcial Echenique
Dr Ying Jin

PhD Student
Juan José Sarralde Tassara

The Energy Efficient Cities initiative [EECi] is a cross-disciplinary research project at the University of Cambridge. EECi aims to strengthen the UK's capacity to address energy demand reduction and environmental impact in cities, by research in building and transport technologies, district power systems, and urban planning.

This research aims to facilitate deployment of energy efficient buildings, transport, and energy supply technologies in city design, by developing quantifiable, system-level models that assess their feasibility and implementation in the wider context of socio-economic, physical, and regulatory characteristics of the city. The system-level model will not only enable a more robust scaling-up of the impact of technological innovations up to the city level, but also allow trade-offs between their environment, societal, and economic impacts to inform regulations and policy scenarios.

EECi is funded by a £2.9 million EPSRC Science and Innovation Award in 2007 (Department of Engineering and Department of Architecture) and will run from 2008-2013.

For more details see