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Department of Architecture

The Department of Architecture is pleased to welcome Dr Ronita Bardhan who is joining us as a University Lecturer in Sustainability in the Built Environment

Dr Ronita Bardhan is University Lecturer of Sustainability in Built Environment at the Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge, UK and leads the Sustainable Design Group. She holds visiting position at Stanford University and has affiliation of Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. 

Dr Bardhan is an architect and urban studies educator, with a PhD in Urban Engineering from The University of Tokyo, Japan. She works on the niche sector of habitat design, energy decisions and gender equality for low-income housing in Global South. Her tractable research informs demand-side design solutions which positively affects energy security, gender equality and well-being while entailing fewer environmental risks. She believes that data-driven Design of built environments can effectively address sustainability. Specifically Dr. Bardhan’s research addresses:

• SDG3 - investigate how building design effects health and well-being

in resource constrained settings.

• SDG11 - derive data-driven solutions for vulnerable communities to

tackle problems of climate change: heat island effects, flooding, for climate sensitive urban planning.

• SDG7 – use and develop state-of-the-art building simulations and

experimental methods to derive demand side energy efficient solutions.

• SDG5 – where the aim is towards gender mainstreaming through participatory housing design for sustainability.

Through her research, she seeks for the transdisciplinary collaboration where she soft-couples building design, engineering with social science.

She is the recipient of The Building Energy Efficiency Higher & Advanced Network (BHAVAN) Fellowship 2016-2017, USA and Charles Wallace India Trust Fellowship, UK in recognition of her work in building design and energy efficiency for low-income communities. Ronita has been awarded the Young Researcher Award 2012 and Exceptional Women of Excellence, 2019 by the Women Economic for her innovative contribution in the field of Sustainable Design and Urban Regeneration